サーモン / モル
『万国民の現代史』 第1巻
第3版 1725年 ロンドン刊
Salmon, Thomas / Moll, Herman.
Modern History: OR, THE PRESENT STATE OF ALL NATIONS. DESCRIBING Their respective Situations, Persons, Habits, Buildings, Manners, Laws and Customs, Religion and Policy, Arts and Sciences, Trades, Manufactures and Husbandry, Plants, Animals and Minerals.
(Printed for) James Crokatt,
Vol. 1. Third edition.
4to (11.8 cm x 19.3 cm),
Title(printed in red and black)., 10 leaves, pp.[1], 2-464, 4 leaves (THE TABLE), Folded map: [1](i.e. LACKING 2 maps), (some folded) Plates: [7](i.e. LACKING 2 plates),
Contemporary full calf.
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