第2405号、1895年3月改訂版 1895年(3月) ロンドン刊
Hydrographic Office.
JAPAN: THE KURIL ISLANDS FROM NIPON TO KAMCHATKA From the latest Russian Charts with additions by various Officers of H.M.Fleet. Yezo Island from recent British Surveys, with additions from the Japanese….
(Published according to Act of Parliament at the Hydrographic Office of the Admiralty Dec. 30th 1855.)(Sold by)J.D.Potter (Agent for the Admiralty Charts),
(March) 1895.
No. 2405. Large corrections May 1883. Sept 1885, Jan.y 1890, April 1894, July 1894, March 1895.
68.8 cm x 102.2(120.4) cm,
1 large nautical chart,
folded & rolled.