ボテロ / ジョンソン(訳)
英語訳(最終改訂増補)版 1630年 ロンドン刊
Botero, Giovanni / I(Johnson)., R(obert). (tr.).
RELATIONS OF THE MOST FAMOVS KINGDOMES AND Common-wealths throwout the WORLD:…With Addition of new Estates and Countries. Wherein many of the oversights both of the Author and Translator, are amended…
(Printed by) John Haviland / (Sold by) John Partridge,
Enlarged, revised edition in English.
4to (13.0 cm x 17.8 cm),
Title., 3 leaves, LACKING A MAP, pp.1-107, 118[i.e.108], 109-314, 215[i.e.315], 316-482, 384[i.e.483], 484-496, 197[i.e.497], 498-644, 2 leaves(Table),
Contemporary or slightly later full leather.