本書は、ペリー(Matthew Carlbarith Perry, 1794 -1858)による日本遠征隊の実現に向けて活躍したロビイストであったパーマー(Aaron Haight Palmer, 1785? - ?)によって書かれた、日本を中心とする「東洋の独立諸国 (Independent Oriental nations)」とアメリカが通商関係をいち早く結ぶことを提言したもので、1849年にワシントンで刊行されたものです。
Letter to the Hon. Charles J. Ingersoll, chairman of the Committee on Foreign Relations of the House of Representatives, containing some brief notices respecting the present state, productions, trade, commerce, &c. Of the Comoro Islands, Abyssinia, Persia, Burmah, Cochin China, the Indian Archipelago, and Japan; and recommending that a special mission be sent by the government of the United States, to make treaties, and open and extend our commercial intercourse with those countries.
New York, Printed by J.M. Elliott.
所蔵:日文研(NCID: BA85181100)
Memoir, geographical, political, and commercial, on the present state, productive resources, and capabilities for commerce, of Siberia, Manchuria, and the Asiatic islands of the Asiatic islands of the northern Pacific Ocean; and on the importance of opening commercial intercourse with those countries, & c. : addressed to his excellency James K. Polk, President of the United States.
[Washington?], Tippin & Streeper, printers.
105, [1], 2p., [2] folded leaves of plates: maps.
所蔵:日文研(NCID: BB2411715X)
Letter to the Hon. John M. Clayton, secretary of state, enclosing a paper, geographical, political, and commercial, on the independent oriental nations; and submitting a plan for opening, extending, and protecting American commerce in the East, &c.
(respectfully submitted to the president and cabinet, by Aaron Haight Palmer)
Washington, Gideon & Co., printers.
Revised, and now republished with an appendix.
63, [1]p.
所蔵;日文研(NCID: BB20917813)
De handel op de westkust van Amerika, en de oostelijke kunsten en eilanden van Azie.
(In Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsch Indië, 11 de Jrg., Twaalfde Aflevering, 1849)
[Groningen], [Erven C. M. Van bolhuis Hoitsema]
所蔵:日文研(NCID: BB21220301)
Memorial of Aaron Haight Palmer, praying compensation for services, in collecting valuable information and statistics in relation to the geography, productive resources, trade, commerce &c., of the independent oriental nations.
(33D Congress, 2d Session, Mis. Doc. No. 10)
所蔵:日文研他3機関(NCID: BB2753923X / BB2411715X)
Documents and facts Illustrating the origin of the mission to Japan, authorized by the United States Government, May 10, 1851; and which finally resulted in the treaty concluded by Commodore M. C. Perry, U.S. Navy, with the Japanese commissioners at Kanagawa, bay of Yedo, on the 31st March, 1854. Which is appended a list of P. Kennedy, late Secretary of the Navy, by the order ,on the 26th February, 1853, for the use of the projected U.S. exploring expedition to Behring’s strait, &c., under the command of Commander Cadwallader Ringgold, U.S. Navy.
Washington, Henry Polkinhorn, printer.
*1973年にScholarly Resources、2002年にRoutledgeより復刻あり